Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
AC.Croatia RIT Croatia - Administrative Council
AH.Croatia RIT Croatia - Area Heads
Allusers.Croatia RIT Croatia - All users
ALUMNI.Croatia RIT Croatia - Alumni
AS.Croatia RIT Croatia - Academic Senate
DBKfreshmen.Croatia RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik Freshman students
DBKjuniors.Croatia RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik Junior students
DBKseniors.Croatia RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik Senior students
DBKsophomores.Croatia RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik Spohomore students
DBKstudents.Croatia RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik students
Dubrovnik.Croatia RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik users
ETAD Entertainment Arts, Technology, and Design at RIT
F.Croatia RIT Croatia - Faculty members
FDBK.Croatia RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik Faculty members
FS.Croatia RIT Croatia - Faculty and Staff members
FSDBK.Croatia RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik Faculty and Staff members
FSZG.Croatia RIT Croatia - Zagreb Faculty and Staff members
FZG.Croatia RIT Croatia - Zagreb Faculty members
HTMstudents.Croatia RIT Croatia - HTM students
IBstudents.Croatia RIT Croatia - IB students
ITstudentsDBK.Croatia RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik IT students
ITstudentsZG.Croatia RIT Croatia - Zagreb IT students
List.Croatia RIT Croatia - Random Mail Distribution List
Mediji.Croatia RIT Croatia - Mediji
MsZagreb.Croatia RIT Croatia - Zagreb Masters students
NMDstudents.Croatia RIT Croatia - NMD students
QAC.Croatia RIT Croatia - Quality Assurance Council
RIT-sustainability Facilitate communication among the RIT sustainability community: faculty, staff, students, alums
RITNEWS RIT University News
S.Croatia RIT Croatia - Staff members
SDBK.Croatia RIT Croatia - Dubrovnik Staff members
SGZG.Croatia RIT Croatia - Student Government Zagreb
SL.Croatia RIT Croatia - Senior Leadership
SZG.Croatia RIT Croatia - Zagreb Staff members
Zagreb.Croatia RIT Croatia - Zagreb users
ZGfreshmen.Croatia RIT Croatia - Zagreb Freshman students
ZGjuniors.Croatia RIT Croatia - Zagreb Junior students
ZGseniors.Croatia RIT Croatia - Zagreb Senior students
ZGsophomores.Croatia RIT Croatia - Zagreb Sophomore students
ZGstudents.Croatia RIT Croatia - Zagreb students

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